New Excellent Analysis of Where IPv6 Grew in 2023

Where did IPv6 grow in 2023? Where did it not? What countries led on IPv6 deployment? Recently a colleague of mine at the Internet Society, Robbie Mitchell, laid all this out in a long post titled “Governments and Industry Driving IPv6 in 2023”. With data and many charts he walks through where IPv6 deployment is […]

Graph showing a green line going from near 0 in the bottom left to up over 40 in the upper right. The time period is 2010 to December 2022

Google IPv6 stats consistently peaking over 40%

When I looked at Google’s IPv6 stats recently, it was great to see that the peaks are now consistently all over 40%. Back in January, I wrote about crossing the 35% threshold, so there’s been a 5% growth over the space of the year. Would we who advocate for IPv6 want it to grow quicker? […]

Google stats now consistently over 35% IPv6

It’s great to see Google’s IPv6 statistics climbing up consistently over 35%. This means that 35% of all users connecting to Google globally are doing so over IPv6.  And if you look at the statistics per country, the % is much higher in some parts of the world. All in all a good sign that […]

Interview: IPv6 Buzz Podcast Episode 53 – Applications and IPv6

What is the current state of application support for IPv6? What are challenges for applications migrating to IPv6, particularly for enterprise applications? What am I doing at the Internet Society with projects such as Open Standards Everywhere to promote IPv6? I had the fun of being interviewed by Scott Hogg and Tom Coffeen on their […]

Getting Close To Making Book Available on GitHub

With the changes to the book and my plans to develop a Second Edition, I also want to change the toolchain I’m using. When I wrote the book for O’Reilly back in 2011, I used DocBook XML as the source. However, these days I’m typically working in Markdown or another lightweight text markup format. So […]

Updating the site – and deleting old posts

With some impending changes related to the book, I am cleaning up the site to remove some of the older information. For example, I am removing blog posts related to old sales from many years ago. The one down side to this is that links in old social media posts may not all work. However, […]