New Excellent Analysis of Where IPv6 Grew in 2023

Where did IPv6 grow in 2023? Where did it not? What countries led on IPv6 deployment? Recently a colleague of mine at the Internet Society, Robbie Mitchell, laid all this out in a long post titled “Governments and Industry Driving IPv6 in 2023”. With data and many charts he walks through where IPv6 deployment is […]

Graph showing a green line going from near 0 in the bottom left to up over 40 in the upper right. The time period is 2010 to December 2022

Google IPv6 stats consistently peaking over 40%

When I looked at Google’s IPv6 stats recently, it was great to see that the peaks are now consistently all over 40%. Back in January, I wrote about crossing the 35% threshold, so there’s been a 5% growth over the space of the year. Would we who advocate for IPv6 want it to grow quicker? […]

Interview: IPv6 Buzz Podcast Episode 53 – Applications and IPv6

What is the current state of application support for IPv6? What are challenges for applications migrating to IPv6, particularly for enterprise applications? What am I doing at the Internet Society with projects such as Open Standards Everywhere to promote IPv6? I had the fun of being interviewed by Scott Hogg and Tom Coffeen on their […]

Getting Close To Making Book Available on GitHub

With the changes to the book and my plans to develop a Second Edition, I also want to change the toolchain I’m using. When I wrote the book for O’Reilly back in 2011, I used DocBook XML as the source. However, these days I’m typically working in Markdown or another lightweight text markup format. So […]

Updating the site – and deleting old posts

With some impending changes related to the book, I am cleaning up the site to remove some of the older information. For example, I am removing blog posts related to old sales from many years ago. The one down side to this is that links in old social media posts may not all work. However, […]

Updated List of IPv6 Resources for Application Developers

Recently I noticed that my list of IPv6 resources for application developers had not been updated since the second version of Migrating Applications to IPv6 was published in June 2012.  I’ve now gone ahead and updated the list to have all the links that I added to the second release of the book. Now, granted, some […]